The project is finished, but wetlands hope for more!

The project “Kampinos Wetlands” is going to the end. The project end date is however not the end of wetlands’ conservation in the Kampinos Forest.

The project “Wetlands conservation and restoration in “Puszcza Kampinoska” Natura 2000 site (LIFE12/NAT/PL/000084) has finished 30.06.2019. We hope that wetlands in the Kampinos Forest will remember it for a long time! We would like to thank all the Partners, cooperating institutions, local administration and inhabitants of the area for a 6-year-long cooperation. The project Partners are working on obtaining funds for further actions aiming at conservation of wetland-dependant species that live the the Kampinos Forest.

For a brief look on the project, see Layman Report. See you soon!
